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Arpatech is a technology hub that’s been operating since 13 years and have provided ingenious business solutions to customers worldwide.
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Latest posts by Arpatech (see all)

An overview of Usability Testing

Arpatech - Nov 1, 2021

Most of the time when a user tries an app, he or she gives it a single try to judge if the app works fine. In one go, they decide whether they want to ...

Introduction to Design Pattern

Arpatech - Oct 25, 2021

Three decades ago, when the software industry was not as big as it is today, software professionals had to use Alexander’s Principles of Urban Desig ...

Top Ranking Military Apps

Arpatech - Oct 18, 2021

Modern technology has brought a great deal of comfort to our lives. And mobile phone technology has emerged as a windfall for all and sundry in this d ...

What is Personal Branding

Arpatech - Sep 10, 2021

Branding has always been a business-oriented concept for us. We have heard people talking about branding as a medium to establish their name in the ...

Why is Vue.js a popular framework?

Arpatech - Aug 24, 2021

The JavaScript ecosystem is awash with options, with several reliable web development frameworks and libraries to choose from. One of these frameworks ...

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