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Twitter Doubles its Character Limit & Everyone Loses their Mind

Moiz Khan Nov 16, 2017

For a long time, we’ve been heard people complain about how Twitter won’t let them express descriptively, or how difficult it is for people to fit long stories within its small character limit of 140 characters. Well, those days are gone because Twitter has just announced that it has made it possible to tweet up to 280 characters.

Tweeting Made Easier

What does it mean?

It means that people who had a hard time summarizing their stories can now write their hearts out. Although 280 characters aren’t as big as an essay, it has enough length for people with a ‘Not so creative minds’ to express what they desire in an easy way.

As per twitter officials, up to 9% tweeters find it difficult to alter a thought in only 140 characters, which often caused frustration and Twitter certainly don’t want its users to be angry or frustrated while using their platform.

Usage Stats from People After the Increment of Tweet Character Limit

Usage Stats from People After the Increment of Tweet Character Limit

So why Only 280 Characters?

While the intent was to allow people to be a bit more expressive, but the criteria had to be same as before; being quick & concise.

Will Feeds be Filled with Huge Tweets now?

Yes, is probably the answer you had in mind, but in reality, after the change was pushed live, only a small chunk of tweets had gone the previous character limit. While only 5% had touch 190 characters.

That’s the trend for now, and we hope that stays the same. But we certainly, can’t say for sure.

See What People Have to Say About This

How people have responded to this new limit addition is quite hilarious, see why:

Feeling Left-out

Ever experienced the feeling of being left out of the party? Well, that’s the case for people tweeting in Chinese, Japanese and Korean, for now.

We’re unsure when these languages will be privileged with this ability to post longer tweets. All we can say for now is, Hang Tight guys, your time will come soon, hopefully!

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