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How to Configure Google Analytics in Magento

How to Configure Google Analytics in Magento

One of the finest services that Google is offering for managing and designing your web page is Google Analytics. This feature allows you to give more attention to significant ratios like conversion, tracking records of your web pages.


Often the issue is observed that numerous Magento store owners do not have a sound awareness of the services which Google Analytics is providing related to tracking. This feature offers in-depth insights of your web page’s traffic, visitor segmentation, demographics visualization and objective related tracking. To give your e-commerce business an edge and new dimension these services play an important role.


Google Analytics is providing it’s users with a wide range of services like tracking the data and managing the records of the visitors and enabling sign up for the website. Nevertheless, the most complex task is to track the data and simultaneously doing its collection process for an E-commerce website.


Today we want to make this task easier for you, so follow the given steps to be able to Track and collect Ecommerce data for your Magento store:


– Login to your Google Analytics account

Click the Admin button on top of the bar, and then click on Ecommerce Settings

In the section of Ecommerce Settings, Enable Ecommerce set-up and then turn on Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting. Next, click on Submit and your Google Analytics is now set for gathering and tracking the data records from your Magento web page.


Google Analytics Connection to Magento

Next thing you have to do now is to set up Google Analytics for your Magento web page. For this purpose, you should copy your Google Analytics Account Id. (which you set in the previous step) then from your Analytics Admin Board, Go to Account Settings and here you will see your Google Analytics Id. Now Copy it from there.



Next step you have to go to your Admin Panel of Magento and from there follow this path: System > Configuration > Google API > Google Analytics.


Go to the drop down menu and Select Yes, then you have to Enable Google Analytics. Next, go to the Account Number Option and add your Account ID here then Click the Save Config button.


You are all set to go now! This way by using Google Analytics you can easily track and collect data from your Magento Store.


Final Thought

In case you are a user of the old version of Magento then you will possibly come across issues while tracking your data. We suggest that you DO NOT install external plugins or extensions. Instead of that you should upgrade your Magento to the latest available release, after that go to the settings and enable Google Analytics, which will help you to track your Magento web page’s traffic.

Arpatech Website

Sep 21, 2016

How to add customer attribute in Magento 2.x

How to add customer attribute in Magento 2.x

Many of us are facing problems in adding custom attributes to customer profile in Magento 2. Here is how to add a custom field in Magento 2. Thanks to  sashas extension for providing easy solution on adding a custom field.

There are many ways to add custom field for customers in Magento 2. Today we will focus on extension for Magento 2 which adds attribute to customer edit page at admin.

To begin with you will need Magento 2 installed with demo data.  For more information you can see the Magento 2 installation guide.

Our step by step  instruction allow you to create a successful attribute of Customer in admin panel.


1) Creating pillar of Magento 2 Extension

You must have heard about the change in architecture of Magento with the release of Magento 2, but you don’t need to worry about it now. The extension files are placed exactly same way as it was in Magento 1.x. The extension files will be under app/code/(CompanyName)/(ExtensionName). For this tutorial the company name we will use is Sashas and extension name will be customerAttribute.

You can use you own company/extension name as per your need. We will create folders and path to the extension will be app/code/Sashas/CustomerAttribute/

The folder structure inside the extension folder in Magento 2 is quiet similar to Magento 1.x. We will need to create ‘etc’ and ‘setup’ folder inside the Magento extension folder.
The folder structure will look like this

magento2 customer attribute

In next step you will need to create module.xml file for extension to declare the version and visibility for Magento2. The module.xml file is replacement of for the previous module file under app/etc/modules folder. This way will lead all files of extension to be in one folder.


2) Creating Module file for Customer attribute in Magneto 2

For this tutorial, I assume you know how to create a file in Magento 2. Read here to know more about Magento file structure.
To begin with, we need to create the file app/code/Sashas/CustomerAttribute/etc/module.xml. This file will make the extension visible.


<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
* @author Sashas
* @category Sashas
* @package Sashas_CustomerAttribute
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 Sashas IT Support Inc. (
<config xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”../../../../../lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Module/etc/module.xsd”>
<module name=”Sashas_CustomerAttribute” setup_version=”1.0.0″>
<module name=”Magento_Customer”/>

In the section we have defined the extension name and version. Here we used the name “Arpatech_CustomerAttr” and version = 1.0.0. You can use your own name of extension. Now we will add the list file. It will have the path app/code/Arpatech/customerAttr/Setup/InstallData.php. In next step we will create InstallData.php.


3) Creating CustomerInstallData file for Customer attribute in Magneto 2

The install function here is used to add attribute for entity “customer” and after it we set it to be used in form adminhtml_customer.
As per your requirement the customer attribute can be used in different forms. For this tutorial we will use this attribute in customer edit page in admin panel.

“used_in_forms” => [‘adminhtml_customer_address’, ‘customer_address_edit’, ‘customer_register_address’]

* @author Sashas
* @category Sashas
* @package Sashas_CustomerAttribute
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 Sashas IT Support Inc. (

namespace Sashas\CustomerAttribute\Setup;

use Magento\Customer\Setup\CustomerSetupFactory;
use Magento\Customer\Model\Customer;
use Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Set as AttributeSet;
use Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\SetFactory as AttributeSetFactory;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallDataInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleDataSetupInterface;</pre>
* @codeCoverageIgnore
class InstallData implements InstallDataInterface

* @var CustomerSetupFactory
protected $customerSetupFactory;

* @var AttributeSetFactory
private $attributeSetFactory;

* @param CustomerSetupFactory $customerSetupFactory
* @param AttributeSetFactory $attributeSetFactory
public function __construct(
CustomerSetupFactory $customerSetupFactory,
AttributeSetFactory $attributeSetFactory
) {
$this->customerSetupFactory = $customerSetupFactory;
$this->attributeSetFactory = $attributeSetFactory;

* {@inheritdoc}
public function install(ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)

/** @var CustomerSetup $customerSetup */
$customerSetup = $this->customerSetupFactory->create([‘setup’ => $setup]);

$customerEntity = $customerSetup->getEavConfig()->getEntityType(‘customer’);
$attributeSetId = $customerEntity->getDefaultAttributeSetId();

/** @var $attributeSet AttributeSet */
$attributeSet = $this->attributeSetFactory->create();
$attributeGroupId = $attributeSet->getDefaultGroupId($attributeSetId);

$customerSetup->addAttribute(Customer::ENTITY, ‘magento_username’, [
‘type’ => ‘varchar’,
‘label’ => ‘Magento Username’,
‘input’ => ‘text’,
‘required’ => false,
‘visible’ => true,
‘user_defined’ => true,
‘sort_order’ => 1000,
‘position’ => 1000,
‘system’ => 0,

$attribute = $customerSetup->getEavConfig()->getAttribute(Customer::ENTITY, ‘magento_username’)
‘attribute_set_id’ => $attributeSetId,
‘attribute_group_id’ => $attributeGroupId,
‘used_in_forms’ => [‘adminhtml_customer’],



As you can see we have used attribute code magento_name and we set the properties in similar way as Magento 1.x. After you get through with the code you need to launch Magento Upgrade and clean cache.

You can use shell command to launch Magento Upgrade:  php bin/magento setup:upgrade. This will perform all necessary upgrade for extension. After upgrading you will need to clear all the cache.

To clear the cache use the following shell command:  php bin/magento cache:flush-all

I hope now you will be able to create customized plugin in Magento 2.

Know how to save your store against brute force attack.


Arpatech Website

Sep 19, 2016

“As with everything Magento, it’s how customizable it is. Particularly with custom attributes and layout xml” interview with William Boudle

“As with everything Magento, it’s how customiza...

William Boudle has vast years of experience in ecommerce industry and he is Certified Magento Solution Specialist. Currently he is working in JSR Direct as Director of Ecommerce. In this interview William shares his thoughts about “Magento issues”. He also shares his suggestions for peoples who want to become Magento certified and recommends useful Magento platform for learning about Magento and to get involve in Magento community.


William said “Don’t give up! Magento, at first can seem daunting, but once things start to click, you’ll wonder why people use any other eCommerce system.”


William also shares his personal life with some excited moment with our readers. Find more about William in this interview 🙂

Arpatech: William, currently you work at JSR Direct as Director of Ecommerce, since 2011. How did you start your career with Magento? What challenges did you face in the initial years of your career? Share your job role at JSR Direct with our readers.


William: Director of Ecommerce translates to “I wear many hats” from frontend & backend to marketing, SEO and everything in between. I primarily deal with musicians & entertainers as an industry, but their target demographics can sometimes be worlds apart. I work with clients ranging from Weird Al, The Zombies & Tiesto; to Margaret Cho, Andrea Bocelli and numerous broadway shows including Hamilton the Musical & CATS. Our primary niche however is heavy metal, with products that often need to be kept isolated from our more reserved clients’ catalogs.

When I started at JSR, they were using a SaaS eCommerce platform, but had a laundry list of requirements and ideals they wanted out of an eCommerce site. My prior experience had been with osCommerce, but by 2011, Magento was the clear winner in highly customizable eCommerce.

There were so many challenges moving to Magento that there were a few times I wondered what I had gotten myself into. We had dozens of microsites and both B2B and B2C sites to convert. As mentioned above our clients have their own separate target demographics. Then there was an ERP integration, which always present their own challenges. We also aren’t always told when a client is going to promote their store, so we always need to be prepared for a spike in traffic.

Through the challenges though, I’ve become a huge fan of Magento and am still in awe of what an extremely powerful framework it is.


Arpatech: William you are a certified Magento solution specialist. What are the 3 most viable tips for newbies who want to involve themselves in Magento? Could you recommend a useful platform for Magento training? What is the reason behind connecting yourself with Magento?


William: Read and answer on Sort by votes and you’ll see answers to some of the most popular questions you’ll face when starting Magento.

– The magento community is very tight knit, but also very welcoming. People who may appear to be Magento gurus are accessible via twitter and reddit and put a lot of their own time into providing free and helpful information.

– Don’t give up. Magento, at first can seem daunting, but once things start to click, you’ll wonder why people use any other eCommerce system.

There are a ton of great resource for Magento training. Definitely check out Alan Storm, his blog and modules are an excellent place to start. Another great one I’ve found is It goes over the fundamentals necessary to know how Magento is working “under the hood”.


Arpatech: Nowadays, Magento is a very popular ecommerce platform. What are some useful front-end features in Magento 1X for developers?


William: As with everything Magento, it’s how customizable it is. Particularly with custom attributes and layout xml. We needed branded ecommerce microsites for musicians, along with links to, and feeds from, their social media accounts. This was achieved with custom attributes that could link products and categories to clients, and custom layout updates to stylize their individual stores.

Most people who begin Magento front-end development quickly find that it is a little overwhelming, and that it has its own approach to MVC. Finding which file information on your product page is loading from can seem daunting. Template hints were a huge help to me when trying to grasp Magento’s fall back structure. I especially like the Aoe_templateHints module ( as it looks cleaner and shows more information, like cache status of blocks.


Arpatech: William, as a Director of Ecommerce what are the most common questions you face from your customers? Magento is a very popular ecommerce platform. How do you see Magento growth in the ecommerce industry? What are the main problems Magento Merchants face?


William: The most common request I get is for more or better reporting. While Magento has some pretty decent reporting functionality built in, working with a large number of clients means lots of requests for different sales metrics. Kalen Jordan’s Custom Reports are a lifesaver for this. I’ve been able to make dozens of custom reports for clients with Google Charts and all.

I am a little worried that Magento 2’s complexity will drive developers to use other platforms. Similarly, the problem I think most merchants face is Magento’s steep learning curve. You are almost required to have a developer on staff if you want to run a small to mid-size Magento site and there’s so much going on behind the scenes that there are features even long term Magento developer’s haven’t used.


Arpatech: What’s your advice for merchants who run their store on Magento and want to increase their store’s sale? Does SEO play a significant role in store sales? What is the best method of store marketing?


William: SEO is huge. So many eCommerce sites fall short in this area and it’s another one where I think Magento shines if you take advantage of its features. Sitemaps, SEF & canonical URL. It’s easy to build landing pages and blocks with the CMS.  Another good SEO technique worth mentioning is Rich Snippets, though it requires an extension or some simple site modifications. They can really help your products stand out in Google with reviews, pricing, stock availability and more.

I think is also worth considering other popular platforms such as Amazon & Ebay, especially if you have a unique product. Both of those can be integrated into Magento using M2E so you can continue to use Magento as a hub for online orders and product management.


Arpatech: Magento 2 is on the market. How will Magento 2 impact the ecommerce industry? What’s your advice for SEOs who want to improve their ecommerce store ranking? In your opinion, how can merchants improve their store with Magento 2?


William: Things I’m excited about in Magento 2 is the use of HTML5, LESS CSS and the switch from Prototype.js to jQuery. I still think it will take some time for those with large sums of money and time invested in Magento 1 to make the switch.

I think Magento 2 will be an improvement for many merchants because they will be easier to update, and easier to manage for store admins. Updating has historically been an area of concern for Magento, but Magento 2 and composer should make the task far less cumbersome. Also a full page caching


Arpatech: What are some useful features in Magento 2.x for developers? What are your thoughts about the front-end of Magento 2? As a Magento Solution Specialist what tools would you recommend to speed up Magento websites?


William: The built in CLI tools will be super helpful. I also think the new file structure is a little easier to grasp as the files aren’t as spread out across the filesystem.

I really like the new Luma theme and think the tile design is a step in the right direction towards a cleaner, mobile-first eCommerce experience. I’m still just in the “playing around” phase with Magento 2, but can say that I miss having a local.xml file a little. I also wish they would have chosen Sass over LESS for CSS, as I think it’s come out as the clear leader of the two. Hopefully they will make the change sooner rather than later, while Magento 2 is still in its infancy.

There are several great options for full page caching, some free, others are premium. I would definitely recommend taking a look at Varnish. Probably one of the most important requirements to get good performance from your site is to use a good hosting provider.


Arpatech: Magento has a vast community and really helpful members. How do you connect yourself in the community? Which social network do you prefer to connect yourself with the community?


William: The Magento Community is very active on Twitter, LinkedIn and even pretty active on Reddit. I’ve also had some good interactions on Quora. Truth told, there are some great Magento Community members available on almost all the major social media sites. “Magento” is one of the first phrases I search when checking out a new social network.


Arpatech: Magento Imagine, Meet Magento, Magento hackathon, Mage Titan are the best platforms for people who want to connect with the Magento Community. What’s your advice for amateur developers who want to involve themselves in the Magento Community? Have you been a part of any Meet Magento or Magento Conference? Or, in the future do you plan to attend Meet Magento or any other Magento related event?


William: I’ve only had the opportunity to connect online so far. Where I currently live, there are not many Magento Meetups and the few there are just can’t seem to take off. I plan on moving to the Orlando area this year, and if there isn’t one there, then I plan on starting one! I’ve also already told my company I’m attending Magento Imagine 2017.


Arpatech: William, let’s put Magento aside and talk about your personal interests :). I follow you on Twitter, and I think you love to spend time with your family. What’s your favorite place and how many trips have you taken so far? How do you spend your free time? Share some interesting moment from your personal life with our readers. 🙂


William: My family are big Disney geeks. Now that Disney owns Star Wars and Marvel, I think they get all my extra money, lol. I love how Disney blends engineering, design, and tells a story to create a user experience. Gee, it’s almost like web design!  I think balance in work life is important, especially to those of us in tech. I will be moving to the Orlando area soon, because there is so much to do there for families. Life is short, and I want to blur the line between vacation and daily life. It’s like that Confucius quote, “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”. That’s what I’m striving for, with Disney World on the weekends, lol.


Arpatech: There are always some individuals who stand out in the crowd. Name some people that inspired and influenced you in the Magento world?


William: Magento definitely has some stand out people and thriving community. In fact Sherrie Rohde, Magento Community Manager, put together the “Magento Masters” to highlight some of the best magenticians and it’s most helpful. I will say that anyone on that list, particularly the Mentors, are worth following.

Another helpful way to find the Magento influencers is to follow everyone on the Magento Stack Exchange Reputation list. (

Phil “Winkle” Jackson: One half of the podcast and a guy with some of the best answers on Magento StackExchange. He and Kalen Jordan are just great to listen to when you’re want to stay inspired without feeling like you’re listening to a work podcast.


Alan Storm: If you climbed to the top of Magento Mountain, you might find Alan Storm, almost everyone in the Magento community has probably found an answer in one of his posts and he has probably helped launch entire Magento careers.


Marius Strajeru: If you sort by reputation on Magento StackExchange, Marius takes the gold. His answers to some of the most popular questions are well thought out. Oh yeah, and his Ultimate Module Creator, which is free, is just amazing if you’re looking to get into Magento Module development…


Ben Marks: He is currently a Magento Community Manager and is active and helpful on Twitter and Reddit.  He and Sherry Rohde are the glue that binds the Magento community to Magento corporate. He also deserves honorable mention for being the teacher in the Fundamentals of Magento Development course.


Fabrizio Branca: I actually have an IFTTT alert to let me know whenever AOE adds a new extension to GitHub, because they are just that awesome.

Arpatech Website

Sep 16, 2016

When is Google’s birthday? The Only thing wrong with the Google’s 18th birthday celebratory doodle

When is Google’s birthday? The Only thing wrong with ...

As a tradition followed each year, it’s time for wishing Google Happy birthday. Just like every other search engine growing older google is also aging, jokes apart there is still a lot of controversy regarding the date 27th of September being the official birth date of google. Tracking back the records and doing some research clearly reveals that the ever so phenomenal search engine has celebrated six times its 18th birthday till date. This means that there is something seriously going wrong with the Google’s Birthday Celebratory Doodle. Let’s dig a little deeper into this, shall we by considering some evident facts:

There is a date when the company was conceived in the garage then we have the date when the company was officially incorporated and last but not the least comes the date when the Google site was first launched. Confusing much! We are too but let’s simplify it as the birth date of the company is what it chooses it to be, still, we cannot ignore the fact that the only thing wrong with the Google’s 18th birthday celebratory doodle is that it has clearly stopped aging.

Though what is an alarming moment of real concern is that why has a universally acknowledged search engine not given any importance to that! Well, it is evident that the date of birth of google has varied over the years. So it may be considered that not even our dear Google knows how old it is and what exactly is its real birth date. Nevertheless, we still wish it many more years of success and thank it for making our lives much easier by providing exceptional quality searching capabilities. Let’s face it that our lives have been affected in one way or the other ever since the invention of it 

Arpatech Website

Sep 14, 2016

Mage Titans Austin, TX USA 2016

Mage Titans Austin, TX USA 2016

Each year the event is organized by Mage Titans to expand the community with Magento developers. It is an annually held event which commenced back in 2014. The first time around it was held in the UK. This year it is back and being held in Austin.TX USA from 8th – 9th of September 2016 and an additional workshop will be held at ShipStation on the 10th of September. We have been anticipating an overwhelming participation of Magenticians from the developer community. It is going to be a mega spotlight affair in the Magento world. The event partners are ShipperHQ and Space48.

Road Map

Following the pattern of the previous conferences, this year it is going to kick off in the same manner with the listed expert speakers giving valuable development insights of Magento. This a huge opportunity to meet some of the great Magento community members. It serves as a platform for developing connections and strengthen your existing ties.


Sponsoring Companies



Each year roughly more than 130 + participants gather from different countries around the globe to attend this mega event. It is the ultimate platform for Magento Developers to get motivations and insights regarding the newest updates and trends of Magento. It gives the attendees an opportunity to personally meet and talk to Expert Magento Developers and get a chance to exchange their experiences regarding the developments of Magento. While this event also serves as a meet up for old colleagues, who get to exchange their feedback on the strategies and past conversations.

Arpatech Website

Sep 8, 2016

How to Secure Magento 2 Store Against Brute Force Attacks

How to Secure Magento 2 Store Against Brute Force Attac...

The most popular e-commerce software today is Magento and it is more than likely to get attacked by many hackers since they want to get hold of your store. Hackers intend to steal the personal information and credit card details of your customers through brute-force attacks. These are simple trial and error attacks in which the hacker uses combinations of usernames and passwords in order to break into your account. Even though Magento itself has several build in security protocol and features yet there is still more you can do to protect your Magento store from security breaches. Over the years we have observed several improved security tactics which we recommend for all the merchants who want to further protect their store and stop hackers from getting access of it.


Custom Admin Path

The standard two sections in each Magento store for administrative purposes are located at /admin and /downloader by default. Through the browser you can access the Magento store by navigating to The admin panel is prone to abuse in several ways by hackers as they can launch the brute-force attack easily. Simple passwords and usernames can be guessed with a few minutes. Your site will become slower while it undergoes the attack and valuable server capacity is wasted.

To change the Admin path, go to Stores and choose Configuration. In the panel on the left, under Advanced, choose Admin and expand the Admin Base URL section. Then, do the following:

Set Use Custom Admin URL to “Yes.” Then, enter the Custom Admin URL and you are all set.

Choose an Intricate Username and Password

If you have changed your admin login page there are still chances that a hacker can locate it. To ensure more security you should use a username and password so complex that it becomes almost impossible to guess. Keep your password at least composed of 16 characters which are mixed with lower and upper case, numbers and also symbols.

Use the Upgraded Latest Version of Magento

Each version of Magento upgrades to newer versions which are often released to patch up the discovered security risks found within the software. This gives you reason good enough to update your Magento store to the latest stable version which is released in the web market. After the release of Magento 2.0 it didn’t take long to release Magento 2.1 since there were some prominent bugs which required update.

Update Your Antivirus Software on Daily Bases

This is an understood thing which goes without saying, but there are several Magento store owners who hardly seem to update their anti-virus software. Hackers can place key-loggers on your laptop easily that’s why you have to ensure that you are using an anti-virus software which is commercial graded and is being updated on a daily basis.

HTTPS/SSL Must for All Login Pages

Without a secure connection you are under the risk of being attacked by a hacker each time you use your username and password. You should eliminate this by always using HTTPS/SSL in Magento. For doing this click on the “System” tab present at the main toolbar and select “Configure” from drop down menu. After doing this click on “Web” tab which is present at the left hand navigation side, select “Secure” in the main window. You will be able to change the Base URL from here for your store, change it from http://… to https://… Do Not forget to select “yes” for both “use secure URLs in Front-end” and “Use secure URLs in Admin”. At the end, click “Save Config” which is present at the top of the page. Now you are set to go.

Ensure the Usage of Private and Secured Email Address

There are some sophisticated hackers who use social engineering to find out who is running the e-commerce site they are going to hack. Social websites like LinkedIn, Facebook are easily used to do searches regarding the company’s details and name. There are several companies and people who list their official email address in their social profiles or follow a standard email format of the company like [email protected]. The hacker tries to hack the company’s email address and after getting access of that they can easily reach your Magento admin panel and request to reset the password. They can now easily change the username, email address and password that links to the admin and get full control of your Magento store.
To stop this from happening you should never use your common email address for your admin login. Try using a private email address instead, which is not likely to be shared outside your company. For example [email protected] also use a very complex combination of password to ensure extra security for accessing this private email account.

Before and After Services of Outside developer Change Your Passwords

Each business requires the services of outside developers from time to time in order to help them with improving their Magento store. To ensure security make sure you change your admin and FTP password before giving them access. Once the work is done, then change it again. There is no surety that the companies you outsourced the work to are as guarded as you are. It’s always better to be taking extra precautions in such cases to avoid a security breach.


Do you want to know more tips about how to secure your Magento Store from brute-force attacks? Share with us the issues you have faced personally and we will provide you with more tips on how to safeguard your store.

Arpatech Website

Sep 7, 2016

12 Web Development Trends You Must Know About in 2016

12 Web Development Trends You Must Know About in 2016

The world of Web development is a rapidly changing domain. 2016 brought some of the hottest trends which you should be aware of if you are part of the web development community. You should follow these trends while designing and developing your website to maintain your position in the web market throughout this year. With new frameworks, evolving technologies and new layouts everything plays a critical role in attracting customers to your web page.

Let’s look at some of the hottest trends….


1) IOT (Internet of Things)

Much of the development in the app world is the result of IOT and it continued to grow enormously from 2015. It is expected to continue this growth till 2019 as it has played a big role in faster data transfer rate. IOT enables this process by linking smart objects while it is expected that with time a lot of advanced solutions will be innovated for the purpose of communicating with gadgets.


2) Motion User Interface

Last year’s emerging trend was Motion User Interface and it is expected to stay for long. The SASS library is one of the three main foundations for Apps by Zurb and it is used for creating animations quickly. Through its help it becomes a less complicated process to give a transitional smooth look to the apps.


3) Advanced Responsive Design

The web market is changing due to all the new technologically advanced platforms which will be using it. 2016 trends are considered to set the stage for next few years. There are several advanced devices, cohesive wearable gadgets, screens and advanced designed frameworks which are in huge demand and are considered to show a growing trend.


4) Upsurge in Real-time

The Real-time analytics are widely being used by mobile and desktop apps for activities such as live streaming etc. So the whole year is anticipated to witness an increased in its usage.


5) Navigation design for Full-screen

Usually for the sites which are browsed for mobile devices, the developers and designers prefer to use full-screen navigations. The increased use of this trend is observed as it enables users to jump to full-screen resolutions in an auxiliary natural way.


6) Adds blockers on the sites

A huge amount of money the website owners are losing due to advertisement blocking plugins. Many techniques have been developed which enable websites owners to avoid these growing effects. These new techniques happen to reduce the effects of advertisement blocking.


7) Containers Usage

To run, create and test an app swiftly Docker, a container service is used by the developers. A lot of advanced changes are making containers go huge this year. Docker is believed to evolve and gain more features and security.


8) Ultimate Browser Power

Throughout the past few years some major developments have been observed in the trend of things which the user can do with the browser. JavaScript is acknowledged as the browser’s de-facto language, making the browser more powerful than ever before. It stands out as the most powerful language for the year 2016.


9) IDEs

These days more people are turning towards cloud based versions of IDEs instead of using the traditional development environment. The key factors of IDE include fast accessibility and flexibility which is provided full-time even if you are not using it.


10) Enhanced Security

As users add different apps to their mobile devices the higher the risk becomes of the device getting prone to security breaches. The increase in the efforts to make apps extra secured and more safe is going to be a vivid trend of 2016.


11) The standard UX Bots

Popular apps in the web market like Facebook, Wechat etc. are using Bots and making the life of their users easier by providing easy use of their apps.


12) Apps Foundation

A single page app framework which is constructed through AngularJs and the flexbox grid framework. This framework empowers developers to develop quick yet easy and responsive web app creation. This year a lot of companies are believed to use it.


Final Thought

To make your website more tech savvy you can use these trends and increase the quality of your webpage. Many websites today are implementing such strategies to provide a competitive edge in the every growing web market.

Arpatech Website

Sep 5, 2016

Free and Easy Tools That Help You Improve Your Website

Free and Easy Tools That Help You Improve Your Website

Now that you are done with your e-commerce website and looking forward to evaluate yourself and the efficiency of your website we bring you some of the easy to use tools that you can apply on your website. There is no harm in running periodic tests on your website as this helps in gauging your site’s performance and your customers’ experience. The best part of these easy to use tools…..most of them are completely free.

These tools are good when it comes to testing your customer behavior and helps you measure your website’s speed, browser compatibility, and search-engine-optimization performance.


Usability Testing


1) Concept Feedback:

Visit their online portal, submit your website, landing page or even the mockup. The tool helps you get expert feedback from design, usability, and strategy professionals. This comes absolutely free and you can also have feedback from the community, helping you improve your webstore.

2) Google Analytics Content Experiments:

One of the most useful tool in the free kit, Experiments helps you understand how well different versions of your page work in getting your visitors to accomplish specific goals. You can easily test up to 5 unique variations of a page with separate URLs to check which one drives more conversions. The test comes free with a Google Analytics account.

3) Click Heat:

An open source and free of charge heat map, Click Heat helps you measure number of clicks on an HTML page. The application also helps in showing hot and cold click zones.

4) Crazy Egg:

Do you want to know where are your visitors clicking on your website? Crazy Egg features a heat map for clicks, a scroll map that displays how far down visitors scroll (helps you understand bounce rate), and a tool to distinguish clicks by referral sources.

5) Five Second Test:

Here is a tip, if you are worried about your user experience instead of asking a designer ask the end user. See what users can recall about your design in just five seconds. Figure this not and you can ensure that your message is being communicated as effectively as possible. You can further expand by asking users to answer a certain set of questions about your website. Test like the Feedback Army can help you with this.

6) Silverback:

A Mac-based usability testing tool, this allows you capture screen activity, make noteworthy moments within a session, allows you to record usability testing sessions, and set tasks.


You can now watch videos of visitors using your website, receive written answers and ask follow-up questions with the help of The on-demand usability testing helps you create your tests with one of the customizable templates.

8) Feng-GUI:

The Feng-GUI provides you attention analysis. The test also simulates human vision during the first five seconds of exposure to your site visuals, and predicts what a real human would be most likely to look at.

9) Unbounce:

What else does a website owner want more than visitors staying for long on his website. This A/B framework with a single click maneuver allows you to test your campaigns and learn about customers’ preference on different content, offers and ideas.

10) Optimizely:

Now learn about your customer visitor segments and optimize your conversion funnel. Track engagement, clicks, conversions and sign-ups through multiple pages with A/B and multivariate testing.

11) Spur:

This is the easiest and the most fun way to critique web designs. With a simple URL paste or an image upload you’ll be able to use seven different tools to help find what’s working and what isn’t.


Performance Testing


1) Monitor.Us:

Now with the help of this you can view your entire web and cloud system, all from your control panel. Have a look at your applications, databases, site availability, and response time – plus server and network health.

2) Google PageSpeed Insights:

PageSpeed Insights analyzes the content of a web page, then generates suggestions to make that page faster.

3) Browsera:

Learn all about your cross-browser layout differences and scripting errors on your site. The features help you crawl and test all of your pages. You can also collect JavaScript errors from each browser and have it analyzed.

4) BrowserStack:

Now you can test your site on real time browsers. This also includes smartphone and tablet emulators, helping you test your website on a large range of devices. The test also uses a wide range of developer tools along with automated testing.

5) Perfecto Mobile:

Worried about exclusive mobile handset experience? Now test your website on each handset and ensure optimal compatibility along with application and all additional services. Perfecto Mobile allows you to access real mobile handsets and tablets connected to live mobile networks spread in different geo-locations.

6) Browsershots:

A free open-source online web application, Browsershots takes screenshots of your site in various operating systems. This helps in learning about websites’ browser compatibility in one place.

7) Cross Browser Testing:

Cross Browser Testing makes you test your website in AJAX, HTML forms, JavaScript, and Flash in numerous browser and operating system. The application brings you instant results from dozens of browsers.

8) W3C MobileOK Checker:

The checker initiates various tests on your web page to evaluate its mobile-friendliness. It assesses basic usability, efficiency, and interoperability, based on the WS3 Mobile Web Best Practices.

9) Xenu Link Sleuth:

Imagine having broken links on your website that you are unaware of? This effects the credibility of you webstore and pushes your website down on Google ranking. The test is for such broken links. The verification is carried on links, images, frames, plug-ins, and more. It displays a continuously updated list of URLs that you can sort by different criteria.

10) SEOmoz:

The mother of all tools, the SEOmoz brings you a collection of tools to test your webstore SEO health. With a crawl test, test for broken links, analyze keywords, and much more you are helped in accessibility issues and tracking rankings to ensure your optimal performance.

11) Link Research Tools:

This is also a set of tools that can help you test your site. You can run a Link Detox to analyze all links on your website and get alerted about suspicious ones. Find links to dead pages on a domain, as well as the strongest sub-pages and sub-folders of a domain.

We hope that the tools will come useful and will help you gauge your site performance and help build a better user experience and improved functionality. Keep visiting us for more on e-commerce management and learn all the latest that is there in the market.

Till then Ciao guys.

Arpatech Website

Aug 29, 2016

13 Security Features That Your Magento Site Needs

13 Security Features That Your Magento Site Needs

The ecommerce world have evolved extensively in the last few months. Platforms and structure are changing drastically and incorporating newer and better features for better user experience. From WordPress to Woo Commerce everything has changed. Another of such platform that has gone major change because of ecommerce developments happens to be Magento. For now, Magento, is considered one of the most updated and secured platforms mainly because of its regular updates. Surveys not put the ecommerce platform on a substantial 26% percent in terms of webstores reliance. This means that every one of four webstores are developed on Magento, a number that makes it an impact making force.

There can be no denial of the fact that though with all the available security updates the ecommerce world still remains at a continuous threat, one that keeps on growing. Cyber criminals are always on the prowl to find any weakness in the code or any loophole left by the user through which they can wiggle in.

The most common type of activities that are staged by these cyber criminals in order to gain access to a webstore include.



->Stealing user data

Though Magento developers keep on rolling out security updates on regular basis there still remains a lot to achieve. There happen to be a lot of DIY Magento security best practices that website administrators should follow in order to keep their efforts protected. In the ecommerce store business it all comes down to Trust. These tips would help you in keeping your webstore protected and keeping the trust factor intact.

1) Go Latest

Well there might be a version you felt comfortable with. Assuming that you the have the best extensions and security updates, users normally avoid moving onto newer versions all because of their convenience. Magento has been continuously getting updated with security patches. Hence, it is very important to stay informed about the latest Magento version. Once a stable release is out, test it and get it implemented.

2) Two Tier Verification

As the famous saying goes, never put all your eggs in one basket. Either go for multiple basket or for multiple trips. Same is the case with Passwords. Either you need to keep on changing your passwords on regular basis with the most complex combinations or you opt for a two tier authentication. Two tier helps you discourage attacks more effectively. There are a few extensions that deliver two-factor authentications taking away your password worries and easing your Magento security risks.

Here are two of the leading extensions that can help you impose 2 tier system.

->With Rublon only trusted devices are only allowed to access Magento backend by using a smartphone app. The app that uses a layer of stealth is available for all popular mobile OS platforms.

->Another of authentication application that is available is TWO-FACTOR Authentication. The extension allows you to implement complex authentication mechanisms which include limiting log-in attempts.

3) Custom Path Admin Panel

Modifying your typical admin panel, a new modified version is made available. The typical admin panel that is accessed by going to, is very easy for hackers to get on to your admin log-in page and start guessing passwords.

You can change your Magento admin path by following these steps:

->Locate /app/etc/local.xml

->Find <![CDATA[admin]]>

->Replace the term “admin” with your desired word or code

4) Encrypted Connection (SSL/HTTPS)

Data flow always happens at a certain risk. Sending confidential information such as login details, across an encrypted connection exposes you to assailants, who can have this information and use it as an excess point for your website. To eliminate these issues, it is essential that you use a secure connection.

The method for getting a secure HTTPS/SSL URL is very easy on Magento. You simply need to click on the tab “Use Secure URLs” in the system configuration menu. This is also one of the key elements in making your Magento website compliant with the PCI data security standard and in securing your online transactions.

You can also get a SSL certification by StartSSL. This will alongside help you in becoming PCI compliant.

5) Secure FTP Connection

One of the common path that hackers these days use to gain access to a website is by guessing or intercepting FTP passwords. You can avoid this by simply using secured passwords and SFTP ((Secured File Transfer Protocol) that uses a private key file for decryption or authenticating a user.

6) Have a Backup Plan

You can have a NSA operated firewall and a team of world class experts protecting your webstore round the clock, yet you will always need a backup plan and cannot shy away from it. Your strict preventive measures for security can go all wasted if you are not using a proper backup. The process may well include hourly offsite backups and downloadable backups. In case of a website crash, a backup plan ensures the continuity of your services.

Data loss can also be averted by storing backup files off-site or simply outsourcing the job to an online backup provider. It is always wise to check with your hosting provider if it has a backup strategy.

7) Directory Indexing

Wandering in unchartered territory if you are not of being followed and don’t want to be exposed it is always advised to cover your trial. This is exactly what directory indexing helps you with. Hardening your Magento site, disabling your directory indexing helps you hide the obvious pathways via which the files of your domain are stored. This keeps away the cyber crooks from Magento-powered website’s core files. Be advised, this is not permanent solution and those who are interested can always access your files if they already know what the full path of your files is.

8) Having a Strong Magento Password

You can secure yourself with Magento strong passwords. Always have special focused when you are deciding upon a password. Use the standard password techniques that involve mix of upper and lower case alphabets, numbers, and special characters like ?, >, etc. (Use a password management service if you have a problem of remembering a difficult one.) Additionally you can protect your Magento password by not using the same combination anywhere else, while keeping it exclusive and complex.

9) No Email Loopholes

Though there is a great password recovering facility that has been incorporated in Magento, you yourself need to make sure that the e-mail address you use for Magento is not publicly known and it is protected with two-factor authentication. Email hacks can create a lot of trouble and your whole Magento store becomes vulnerable

10) Your Hosting Plan Matters

If you are a startup and cannot afford to have a dedicated hosting or more secure virtual private servers, it is advised you go for shared hosting, a cheap mean for hosting a website. This may involve a certain compromise on your Magento security but measure can save you from complete disaster. If you find yourself having problems with shared hosting you can shift to dedicated one, this limits your resources and if there is a sudden spike in your traffic, the website has a good chance of going down. Managed cloud hosting has its own advantage. Robust security with frequent patches at server-level saves you big time.

11) Say No to MySQL Injection

Complete reliance is never a good option. So, at a place where we are pitching you great Magento security features, ones that even involve support to outmaneuver any MySQL injection attacks with its newer versions and patches, it is not always an ideal approach to rely only on them. It is highly advised that additional web application firewalls such as NAXSI are even installed for customer safety.

12) Always Have Reviews

No one is perfect, not even the best of Magento security experts. Where many of them may claim themselves to be good at coding only few understand the intricacies of Magento site security. You are therefore suggested to have yearly (even semiannual) reviews of your website for apparent loopholes and security shortcomings. If properly done, these reviews help in further hardening of your Magento security measures.

13) Listen From Others

Magento has a thriving community of techies who are always there to help you in the time of need. You can search and post queries regarding any security issues of Magento or its features. The Magento Community members also release security reports on various versions of Magento, so look out for those as well.


There can be no doubt of the fact that Magento is a robust ecommerce development solution. Though these tips would help you come over a number of your issues there are complexities that require expert advice. It is always good to have consultancy from service providers that can help you bail out from such scenarios.

Arpatech Website

Aug 26, 2016

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